Friday, January 6, 2012

Why Resolutions Don't Work

For those who know me, this is going to seem crazy because I live for lists - to do lists, goals, New Year's morning to recreate the person I want to be. But not to be bah-humbug, I have figured out why I am not that newly recreated person. Resolutions don't work. 

If you went to the doctor and she told you that you had to lose those stubborn 10 pounds or you were going to DIE - what would you do? You would, hopefully, lose those 10 pounds. TODAY - you would start today and never look back. It wouldn't matter if it was April 15, October 15, or January 1. You would start today. 

But since resolutions are pretty much optional, you work on them, think about them, sometimes move towards the end result, but most of the time they just hand over your head. 

So what to do for someone like me who loves lists and goal settings? I am going to start each day with a focus and each morning I'll reset that focus - eat better than yesterday and exercise more today.

PS - I still have the list!

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